I bought a clearanced custom frame last year when I worked at Hobby Lobby. It was an odd measurement; the opening measured 12" by 29.5" and it was a natural wood with no stain. I bought it in hopes to turn it into a headboard. I couldn't ever think of any great ideas for a headboard. So it sat in the way until today.
Today I figured I would finally turn this odd frame into a piece of art. So I went to my vintage sheet scraps and pulled a few pieces out and started working. And came up with this:

I'm not sure if I'm going to still use it as a headboard or hang it on the wall. I rested it on my thread rack just for picture purposes.
It's made from some thin muslin, vintage sheet scraps, vintage bias tape, and some of my own machine embroidery. I live the addition of the little birdies testing on top of the bunting. I layered the fabric on top of some felt just for stability before stapling it to the frame.

I didn't sew the bunting pennants down because I like the movement they have when the wind catches them. It seems like a real bunting floating in the wind.
Today I figured I would finally turn this odd frame into a piece of art. So I went to my vintage sheet scraps and pulled a few pieces out and started working. And came up with this:

I'm not sure if I'm going to still use it as a headboard or hang it on the wall. I rested it on my thread rack just for picture purposes.
It's made from some thin muslin, vintage sheet scraps, vintage bias tape, and some of my own machine embroidery. I live the addition of the little birdies testing on top of the bunting. I layered the fabric on top of some felt just for stability before stapling it to the frame.

I didn't sew the bunting pennants down because I like the movement they have when the wind catches them. It seems like a real bunting floating in the wind.
Such a cute idea... it would be fun to make this in a mini size too.