My main objective for today was to get a lot of thrifting done. Unfortunately I didn't really follow through with that plan. BUT I did get a mediocre thrift done. I, honestly, realized how much I didn't want to be out of town thrifting all day, so I cut my out-of-town trip sort of short. It was still VERY effective. I am surprised at the little loot I did score. On another sad note, there aren't any vintage linens in this one; there seems to be a bit of a dry spot for them around town lately. I needed a break from them anyway, lol. On with it!
I remember when I was about 7 or 8 my mom had all those flashy gold metal belts that clinked and clanked whenever she walked. In particular, I vividly remember a big chain belt with a lion's face as the buckle. I don't ever recall what happened to that belt; I guess she got rid of it. Lion head belts and accessories are definitely a big thing this season. Everything from earrings to belts are being produced and worn about.
Well while browsing through belts in a Goodwill today, I found not one but TWO double lion head belts. And one was $1 and the other was $.50.

It was funny because I recognized the belt part of the gold stretchy belt from something my mom had and figured it could either be one of those snake belts (that I'm dying to find) or the double lion head belt. Then two seconds later I found yet another double lion head belt. I knew they were both too small for me to wear, but I was hoping to turn them into jewelry or a fitting belt.

I love these guys. I can transfer the buckles of the black belt onto another belt. As for the gold one, I turned it into this:

A wonderful wrap bracelet. I tried to wear it as a necklace but it just wouldn't lay flat. Oh well, found another great use.
At that same Goodwill, I found a pair of genuine leather mid-calf cowboy boots. I have been hunting down cowboy boots in stores, on eBay, etsy, and I have found some decent things on etsy that are fairly low priced. BUT I didn't want to purchase them if I hadn't tried them on. My lower legs are made strange. I have narrow feet with tiny ankles and huge calves. Nine times out of ten things will fit my feet but not my calf, so I half issues with buying boots.

These babies only cost me $6. I did a little jig and sang to myself as I carried them across the store. And the really really fit well. They're a little slouchy like I wanted. Yay!
I, then, went to a Salvation Army and found a couple of things. I found this old plastic storage box that I'm guessing is from the 70s.

It's pretty large. It's originally from Walgreen's. It still has the original Walgreen's price sticker where it cost 1.69 (and I had to dish out 2 bucks for it, ripoff!). The top is a nice avocado hue, one of my faves. I'm thinking about using it for my ankle boots, since those won't really fit in the plastic shoe boxes.
I also got a black-and-white checked batwing, double-breasted sweater that I pounced on as soon as my eyes noticed it.

It's so comfy too. It has a few moth nimbles, but that doesn't bother me. I'm a sweater/jacket fiend. I'll usually tote one around all year just-because. I thought this was a great fall sweater.
I made a new purchase from Target early this morning. I had been lusting for this pair ever since I first saw them.

I saw a pair at Old Navy but they didn't look nearly as good as these.
Anyway that was my excitement for the day! Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!!!